Monday, February 24, 2014

Wreath Making Wedding FUN!

Tonight Megan came out and we made wreaths for the wedding!  The girls were BIG helpers so we got them busy making portraits with washable paints!!!  Ava and Megan made a few bows together  Ava was thrilled Megan let her help!! What a fun blessed evening!   I'm very happy Megan asked me to help!!  Can't wait until the wedding!

Megan teaching Ava to make bows!
Sisters! LOVE!

Keeping the little artists busy!!!



Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lucy's Baptism!

Today Daddy, Keagan, Megan and the girls went to Effingham and Lucy's baptism!!!  Momma worked, but got picture updates all day!!  TOO cute!!!  What a blessing it is to have family!


Zach's tie matched Ava...He was like Prince Charming today!! 
She LOVES this picture!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Spending Time as Aunt Sis....

Today Kerrigan and  I got to spend the afternoon with my niece Calie.  She is just 6 weeks younger than Kerrigan!  The girls were super cute together!  Play....fight...ignore each other....typical 2 year olds!!   They helped me clean the house...I DIDN'T get much done, but we had a fun day!



Blowing Raspberries!

They think they are hilarious!

Too much CUTENESS!

Action shot!!  Kerrigan moving FAST!!!


Rotten baby girls!


Aunt Sis/Momma  makes everyone WORK! LOL!!!

I may have finally worn then OUT!!  YAY ME!! LOL!!

In the evening we went to Nana and Papaws and celebrated Calie's 2nd birthday!   The girls love playing with the cousins!!!  The two 2 year old were WILD after a little cake!!! FUN times!!

Jen, Ben, Brody, Ava, Kerrigan and Calie







Sweet big brother helping his baby sister :)

LOTS of babies...TONS of LOVE!!!

Calie going for the paci again...
.Aunt Sis is gonna be right in the middle of this fight 
Calie going for the PACI!!!!!  Kerrigan getting ready to scream :)


YAY cake!


They  really are adorable!





Playing with Bella.....Kerrigan is getting KISSES!
What a fun day....we are very blessed with family!  Very happy we were able to spend the day together!


Saturday, February 15, 2014

What a great ending to a great trip!!!

Today was a nice relaxing day at Sea World!   They have an awesome program for the military and  Keagan was able to get us tickets on base!    
We saw Shamu and friends and sat right in the Splash zone!!!!  Thank goodness we didn't get wet:).  We were so close when the whales came up!  The girls thought it was pretty cool!!!!   

John, Renae and Kyleigh came and met us for the day!  We LOVE seeing them!  Wish we had more time with them but today was awesome!!!!  


It was such a nice day out the girls could play in the Sesame Street splash area!  All the adults enjoyed sitting in the pool chairs relaxing and visiting in the warm sun!!! 

Momma and the girls rode some rides while the big kids rode the big roller coaster!  When we got off the first ride Kerrigan was crying...Daddy said Awww did she not like it!  NO she is crying because she is mad it stopped!!   She LOVED it!!!  Ava giggled the whole time! 





We went to feed the sea lions...I didn't know they stopped feeding them in the afternoon. Ava was Agravated because that's all we have heard all day is she wanted to feed them!   Well a lady came out and was going to dump some fish to them. I said hey can she feed them...the lady gave Ava a slimey squid to throw over the side!!!!!   Saved the day!!!  Don't think the lady was suppose to do that...but we were glad she did!  Ava was thrilled!!! 

What a great day!!!  The girls love having their Bubby and Megan here with us!!!  We all ate the buffet at the hotel and then swam one last time before heading home tomorrow!!!  

Great trip....tomorrow it's back to winter!!!!  ;(