Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday Fun......

Wonderful day today~!   Ava and I found the squeaky shoes we had bought in  China and Kerrigan thought she was HOT stuff squeaking away with them :)  

Ava decided to video herself being silly ;)  It was super cute and reminded us of Dayne when he was little!  He used to make videos all the time he called them "Dayne's animal world"  

Dayne came home tonight for supper!  The best part of the evening was him walking in and both girls faces lite up with huge smiles!!!!!  They love their Bubby and were glad to see him!!

First Blessings......

I'm always posting the kids "firsts"  So today I'm posting mine and Tim's favorite "firsts" of all time!  The first time we held each of our children!






Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Security Blessings....CUTE~!~

All our babies have chosen an item for security!   It is funny to see them attach to something and suddenly you can't leave home without it!

Dayno had "Blankie"   It was a blanket that Nana got at a craft show.....very snuggly and cute, only downfall there was only one made EVER!!  That may not seem a big deal, but Dayne loved Blankie so went everywhere with us for YEARS!!  There was no way to replace was an original.. so we just kept patching:)   Dayne loved Blankie so much that he couldn't even be separated long enough for Blankie to go through the washer.  Dayne would sit beside the washer the whole time and then when it was done we didn't dare put it in the dryer.....NOPE Dayne just snuggled it until it was dry!  :)  As Dayne got older Blankie started having to travel in a backpack to protect it from being seen in public......when Dayne got old enough, he would take Blankie in the backpack and make ME carry the backpack in the hotel....I guess in case we got searched he could deny it was his :)   Truth be told, Blankie is probably at college with Dayne now:)  Poor Blankie has many holes and many patches, but Blankie is still LOVED:)

Dayne snuggling Blankie!

Keagan chose a red flannel blanket that Grandma Bogard made him.  He named it Coey.  He loved Coey and Coey would go everywhere with us.  Keagan also picked a substitute blanket....of sorts!  He claimed a red flannel night gown of mine and carried it all over.....It was awesome carrying my pajamas in stores :)  He named this friend Fake Coey!!  LOL  Cute boys!

Keagan and Coey

Keagan and Coey and Dayne and Blankie :)

Ava chose a tiger as her snuggling friend!  Keagan bought it for her in San Antonio a few years back and she LOVES him!!!  His name is Tiger-Tiger-Roar and he has even gone to Taiwan with us!!  

Ava and Tiger-Tiger Roar

Well Miss Kerrigan has decided she has a blankie too!  Just this week she has become very attached to the blanket Nana Maureen at Momma's work made her!!  Its soft and has cupcakes on it!  She caught me trying to put it in the washer today and screamed until I gave it to her :)  I think she found her BEST friend!  Pretty cute


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January Blessings.....

A month ago we had a blizzard.  Today it was almost 70 degrees and we played outside!!!  We love to be outside soooo in the winter we become stir crazy and tired of being in the house!  Today we played on the swings, we blew bubbles, we snuggled the outside kitties, and we took a walk!!  Wonderful blessed day!  Tonight winter returns....we are expecting storms...we are praying they aren't too strong!


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday Blessings....

Busy day!  Tim and I left after we took Ava to school....went to Sam's and ate lunch at the China Buffet!  Then we took Kerrigan to the doctor for her 12 month check up!  She is 19 lb 6 oz and
29 3/4" tall.  She has gained 2 lb and grown 4" since we got home with her!!!  The doctor says she is perfectly healthy and he thinks she is going to be TALL!! :)

Waiting in the car for our turn at the doctor!

Sneaky little sister!

Ava loves them!!!

Silly FUN kids!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Our 6 year old Blessing.....

Today Ava is 6!!!   What a blessing she is!  She is growing up way too fast!  The morning started with the traditional Birthday pancake!!!  YUMMY!
Birthday Pancake!

Today Ava got to take special fancy cupcakes to school!  Since it was her birthday she had the snack bag!  She was excited to tell all her friends she was FINALLY 6!  :)  

We made steak for supper....her Favorite! 

Yummy Steak!

We opened her gifts...she got a unicorn dream lite she had been wanting, she also got a new kitty towel, a Barbie movie and some books she can read by herself!!
The gifts!

 We finished the evening with a GIANT cookie!!!  Wonderfully blessed day!
Candles and a GIANT cookie!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Blessings of Birthdays and Baptisms!.....

We spent the week getting everything ready for Saturday!!  Treat bags were made, supplies were bought!

Helping Make treat bags~

I worked on Friday and was going to have to make cupcakes once I got home from work instead of sleeping!  Well..... when I got home at Midnight, Keagan and Megan had made and decorated ALL the cupcakes!!!  What a surprise and BLESSING!!


The girls getting ready for party day!

 Saturday we woke up to a ONE year old in the house!!!  Our sweet baby Spider Monkey is 1!!!!  We opened her gifts from us in the morning!  Keagan and Ava helped her, but she is starting to get the idea!


  She got a cute towel, some new pajamas and Daddy's favorite gift of all 100 new balls for the ball pit:)  She loved them!  She and Ava immediately threw them all over the living room!  Pretty sure Daddy's blood pressure rose a little at that mess :) HAHA!!!  


At 1 pm we headed to Parkview for the party set up!!  We had the tables decorated Ava picked My Little Pony! Kerrigan had butterflies!!  Backyard Bouncing set up the inflatable!  Then we were ready to PARTY!! Party goers started coming about 130  and the festivities began:)

Ava trying out the inflatable!

Kerrigan loved her balloon!

She also enjoyed the french fried Keag brought her!

Kerrigan checked out the Inflatable with Grandma and Keagan!
Kerrigan really LOVES her Grandma!

The inflatable was HUGE!!!

Gabi and Ava hanging out!

Gabi, Ava and Alice chasing the balloon:)
Checking out the decorations!

We sang Happy Birthday and Ava blew out candles!


Ava and her friends!!

 THEN Kerrigan got her own personal cupcake!! MESSY and ADORABLE!!

Pretty happy with her cupcake!

We had a great turn out!!  Grandparents, Nanny Great,  Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends couldn't ask for anymore fun!!

Grandma and Aunt Tami!

Kerrigan loved her cousin Cora!
Gabi and Ava
Meeting Aunt Mary and Uncle Mark
Kerrigan and her Great Uncle Mark----SWEET!
Ben and Keagie!

Everyone enjoyed playing on the inflatable!!

Kerrigan LOVED playing with Maddie!

The girls opened their gifts!!  They loved everything!!  

Mylee helped Kerrigan:)

Today we also celebrated Joseph's birthday!  He is just 4 days older than Ava!!  

We had pizza together and then went to Mass together!   Mass this week.... The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord!!!  How perfect because after Mass we had Kerrigan's baptism!!  What a special moment for us as parents!  Everyone that loves her was there to celebrate with us!  Her God parents are Keagan and Nana!  She wore the same baptismal gown that Ava wore....We had it hand made in Jiangxi China from Chinese silk!  So cute on her!  It was awesome both girls could wear it!  

Ready for the Baptism!

OH Ava!:)

Kerrigan is trying to kick Ava!:)

Ava's face is priceless!  Kerrigan didn't cry at all!

Kerrigan is throwing everyone kisses!

Kerrigan is trying to pull Ava's hair:)

Ava is enjoying herself!
Both girls want the candle Daddy is holding!

When Father Trevor was all done with the Baptism...Kerrigan gave him a high 5! It was so cute and totally her idea!  She reached over to him and held out her little hand!  It was sweet!  He said he had never received a High 5 like that before!  Apparently the next day at Mass he talked about it he was so touched by our Sweet Baby!



Ben was thrilled to give Kerrigan her Baptism gift and engraved cross box!

Then it was home....What a wonderful day!  We are blessed beyond words!  Thanks to everyone that helped make this day so special for BOTH girls!!  Love you all!

She says she isn't tired yet:)
She was asleep 2 minutes after this :)

Sweet tired baby!